ネットをちょっと離れたいと思います、ネットを始まるの原因か楽しくみんなと遊びたいからネットをやってるけど最近はもうその楽しさがなくて逆に正直ちょっとキッツイでもある、何日ネットから離れてもう少し自分の情緒が上手く制御できるになったらまた帰ります、大変ご迷惑をかけてすみませんでした I’m gonna take a break from the internet for a while, I know it’s a sudden decision that I make but lately or for a while now that the internet has just been giving me more stress than ever, I feel like if I keep going on like this I’ll probably ending up hating the internet and quit so I might need to leave for a while to learn to control and suppress my feelings altogether, see you guys in a while. Sorry for making a decision without really informing you guys about it.