EVENT \ワンコーラスで魅力を伝えて/ゲスト審査員:七海うららさん「歌い手フェスvol.1」参加募集中🎤 EVENT 参加賞追加❣『PUBG:BATTLEGROUNDS』× ツイキャスEsports ゲーム大会 EVENT 6/14(金) 22:30〜👻🎬REC/レック 無料放送!

c:20180601 キャス

  • レベル 1
  • サポーター 52
I say fun to be 20 
You say it's great to be 30 
And they say it's lovely to be 40 
Bue feel it's nice to be 50 
I say it's fine to be 60
You say it's alright to be 70
And they say still good to be 80
But I'll maybe live over 90

I say it's sad to get weak
You say it's hard to get older
And they say that life has no meaning
But I still believe it's worth living
But I still believe it's worth living.