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HINOMARI " Where the image goes" @ MARZ

녹화의 공개는 없습니다 (시청 기한: 9/26/2021 (Sun) 23:59 JST까지)

HINOMARI presents "Where the image goes" 2021.9.20(Mon)@Shinjuku MARZ
MOTHERCOAT : www.mothercoat.com/
Metro-Ongen : metro-ongen.com/
birds melt sky : birdsmeltsky.com/
HOME IS A FIRE : homeisafire.wixsite.com/homei...
Yosuke Nakano[PaperBagLunchbox  tribute bandset] : emerald-info.tokyo/
KUROROKANNA(from Osaka) : kurokan.wixsite.com/kurorokanna
HINOMARI : hinomari.com/

Digital:2000yen(1 week archive)

Real future Publishing Inc.:realfuture.jp/

티켓 구매

HINOMARI " Where the image goes" @ MARZ 2,000 엔(세금 포함)
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